Sunday, January 2, 2011

A new year...

What's the deal with resolutions? Who started it? I mean I understand the concept, but why has it become a "social must"? Sarah, did you just put that in "quotations"? Why yes, random reader, I "did". Ok, so the quotations thing is mostly an inside joke which is most likely only funny in my own head, but that's ok, because this is my "blog". *insane laughter is now rattling Sarah's overly ridiculous silly brain*.
Back to the subject at hand...resolutions. When did they become a subject that everyone must talk about at this time of year. In years past I have resolved not to make a resolution. Yeah..Im kinda rebellious like that. But really? What business is it of everyone that I know as to what I am personally going to change in my own life this year? Ok, so before I come off as an uptight snob, I really am trying to make a point, albeit not very well. My point is this, I'm scared of resolutions. There. I said it. Aren't most of us? I mean it is widely known that most people dont deal well with change in their life. So why do we all feel it necessary to publicly announce every year that we are going to change something, and make ourselves better, indicating that we were "less than" last year. (I know...again with the quotation marks)
Dont get me wrong, I know there is always room for improvement. I have many pounds that I should shed, vices I should stop, and I have really been meaning to make a trip to Haiti to give presents to the orphans and rebuild houses for those who lost theirs. Unfortunately that trip isnt going to happen in the next year, and if I am honest with myself (and you) Im most likely not going to shed a whole lot of poundage either. I have however had a nice long conversation with myself and I have decided that I WILL be happier in 2011. I will embrace the good things in my life, I will cherish the good days, I will love and laugh and have more fun. I will stop telling myself that last year I wasnt good enough so that I have to change this year. I will simply make a conscience choice to just BE HAPPY. It's not a resolution. It's a choice. A choice that I will make every day. Not just on 1/1/11.
This year exciting things will be happening with our family. Wyatt becoming the Jr. Goodwill ambassador for the Minnesota muscular dystrophy association is a huge thrill for us. With it will bring many events and opportunities that I will share here in my blog. I will also continue to be honest and share with you the hard days, because there will be those too...but I will remind myself to think of the good things, think of the blessings I have, and just be happy about those things. So to recap...I use quotation marks sarcastically, and rather than make a ridiculously unobtainable "resolution" I am choosing to just be happy. It may sound easy, It very well may be hard, but I think if I take it one moment at a time, maybe it will just become a wonderful habit... and by the end of 2011, contagiously happy I will be.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Wow, you hit the nail on the head. Scared of resolutions. I never thought about it before, but yes, I do believe I don't set them because I fear/know I'll 'fail'. (there, i used quotations, too). I hate putting resolutions out there and haven't done so in YEARS. Just kinda think about things I'd like to do. And some are extremely personal and I don't think everyone should know. :)

I read through some of your blogs from the year. I'm very proud to have known you for so long and love you much. You've just always been one of those people that I don't have to see very often to feel love for. :)

Happy new year!!