Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Magical Thanksgivings

Being a mom on a major holiday is sometimes overwhelming. I never knew how much work went in to Thanksgiving when I was a kid. It was just a day that magically happened. I woke up to the smells of stuffing and turkey being prepared, I religiously watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade every year, and the day always went off without a hitch. Now that I am the parent, I know that those things don't magically happen.
In fact, I am a stresser. You know, that mom who stresses about getting everything just right so that the day appears to be magic to my kids. Yeah...she is annoying, but she is me, so I gotta love her! The problem this year is Duane. Yes, Duane "The Rock" has lodged himself into a tube somewhere between my kidney and my bladder and refuses to come out. Duane has really messed up my week. Not only did he cause me an ambulance ride to the hospital last week, but taking my daughter to her doctors appointment yesterday ended up with me puking in the middle of the street. Yes, Duane is really messing up my week.
In years passed I have been sad because we live in Minnesota and had no family to share the holiday with, but this year we are excited that Paul's parents get to come up and be here for the holiday. BUT...am I the only daughter in law in the world to stress a little bit more over her in-laws coming for the holiday? I think Im probably not. We all want to give the "illusion" that our house is ALWAYS clean...not just when they come, and I ALWAYS cook amazing meals every day of the year...BUT...low and behold, Im pretty sure they are not stupid. (In fact they are extremely wonderful and intelligent people) So why am I feeling even more stressed because I know none of my plates match and my bedroom is actually messier than my children's' bedrooms, and due to Duane's unexpected appearance in my life, there is nothing I can do about those things?
So this year, I have to let it go. I have to trust that God will calm me down. Because I can't take the 60something pound bulldog to the groomer before Paul's parents come...they just may find out that he doesnt always smell so great...and they just may also learn that I dont always fold and put away a load of laundry the moment the buzzer on the dryer dings. So, I take a chill pill (actually it is a prescription pain medicine) and the reality sets in....They already knew all these things....and they still love us and want to come visit us.
So this year I am just going to be happy to enjoy a magical Thanksgiving. Because even though I may not having matching china or a clean bulldog, I have a home, and a family willing to come visit. (and knowing my mom in law...cook, clean, take care of me, watch the kids, etc....) So this year, as we all think about the things we are thankful for, at the top of my list it will say, "I am thankful for my mother in law!" and right under that my list will say, "store bought pie, and magical Thanksgivings."


retrodive said...

Oh Sara I'm sure everything will be lovely!! I'm very laid back and mellow and automatically become a stresser as soon as the holiday comes around! Probably for the same reason as you, the "magical Thanksgiving." Hope you have a fantastic day and Duane will let up a bit until after your family leaves but if not let your wonderful mother-in-law take care of you, she'll probably enjoy playing mommy for awhile :)

I'll be thinking of you and wishing you happy thoughts,
Jennie Diveley Sanford

sarah979c said...

Sarah- you have no idea how blessed I am each week by your mother-in-law. She takes care of my child when the nursery workers are late for church, she sings up front, she loves my child as if he were her own grandchild- she even decorates the nursery! She has such a servants heart, and I'm glad she's going up to visit you guys and help you when you need it. Our church has been praying for you and for Wyatt! Enjoy Thanksgiving with your in laws- they are great people!

Unknown said...

I have a feeling this will be your best Thanksgiving yet--and you will have more fun than ever before! Simply because you've decided to be yourself and not stress! (And believe ME, I know that's not an easy thing to do!)

Have Paul bathe the dog, grab the kids to help you fold the laundry...and the plates? No one's gonna notice, because you'll all be laughing so much just being together!

And tell Duane to butt out--after you've had that lemon stuff!

Now, Missy! Try that lemon apple thing, or whatever that remedy was--they all swore on it!

Unknown said...

